Contact Us, Disclaimer, Purpose & Welcome

Thank you for visiting the Celebrating Fan Art Hozier and hope you enjoy your the visit.  I consider this sight a library of art created by artists who are inspired by Hozier and his music. We are quite unique.  There are no other comprehensive websites devoted entirely to the art inspired by a musician.  Our site encompasses different styles, media and levels of ability.  I hope you take the time to encourage the artist and leave a note, a like or a rating.

Celebrating Fan Art accepts no money for posting art.  The site is 100 % free to all artists and is 100% artist credited and acknowledged.  On occasion we do have difficulty tracking down a artist to marry to a piece.  In such cases it is noted as “ARTIST UNKNOWN”   Every effort is then continued to locate the artist.


The art depicted here are the 100% sole property of the artist.  We have no right to use any pieces for profit.  If you appropriate the art for your own use, please credit the artist.

This site is not endorsed in anyway by the artist known as Hozier, his management team, his record or holding companies.

We are an independent solely art site devoted only to the promotion of the artist known as Hozier and those of the individual artists that draw inspiration from him in various mediums.

Celebrating FanArt Hozier is not responsible for copy write violations by any of the artists.  We are merely a library that houses art and is 100% free to the public.


In creating this website I tackled with naming it.  From the onset it would be a compilation of art created from every level and ability.  My purpose, to find the piece or pieces that inspire a person to create art, whether it was based on how they were moved by the song, inspired by the lyrics or smitten with the musician or heck  just wanted draw, sketch, illustrate, paint … but hot damn, still no macaroni art of him!

I wanted it to be a place where someone struggling to feed their talent would be able to proudly say,   “I have a piece or pieces of art displayed on this website with other artists who are highly trained and truly gifted.  It was a place to CELEBRATE the Artists and to celebrate Hozier.

Celebrating Fan Art Hozier had one other feature that I will never back down or back out on…  It would be free to the Artist. No fees, no commissions and I do not rape the artist by copying or selling their pieces.  Any pieces that were shared in the past as a contest or were gifted, were pieces that I either commissioned or payed full price for from the Artist.  Have a I been gifted art?  Yes,  I have been so fortunate to have the likes of Jenna Bolay,  Rosalba Emmanuel King, and Tony Artist send me a piece.  I have bought from Fergal Art, Alex Decanay Olan and Lorina Heartly and  commissioned a few other pieces from artists displayed on this site.  I plan on continuing to buy art that  1) I can afford  2) commission because their talent moved me beyond words.  I don’t ask for any special favors.  Just wanted to make sure that was out there.

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